Seit Anfang Oktober werden die Proteste in Palästina erneut zum Widerstand: In einer Zeit, da selbst die UN innerhalb weniger Monate nicht weniger als 127 Siedler-Attacken dokumentiert hat, zwangsläufig. Der “Report: the current situation in Palestine” der Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union (Mitglied im Alternativen Gewerkschaftlichen Netzwerk für Solidarität und Kampf) vom 15. Oktober 2015 berichtet knapp sowohl über die Angriffe als auch über den Widerstand:
Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union
(Member Of General Federation of Independent Trade Union Palestine)
Report: the current situation in Palestine
All over Palestine, Palestinian youth have risen once again against daily oppression, discrimination, humiliation, and violations of most basic human rights. They have risen for freedom, dignity and justice. The Israeli colonial occupying power’s response to the protests has been to upgrade its violent repression and collective punishment measures in order to force people back into submission, while it pursues its aggressive land grabs, reinforces its apartheid policies, and continued to support violent settler communities. Since the beginning of October 2015, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 1300 Palestinian civilians have been shot with live ammunition or rubber coated bullets during unarmed protests, and while attempting to protect their neighborhoods and homes from army raids and settler attacks. In addition, thousands have been injured by tear gas inhalation. 24 Palestinians have been killed, several of them children .
Israeli army & police are not only providing protection to Israeli settlers’ violence, but they are aiding and abetting such violence. Settler attacks include shootings and beatings of Palestinian civilians, damaging and setting fire to property, crops and trees, theft, and the takeover of property. By mid-2015, UN-OCHA had documented 127 settler attacks. These include the arson of the Dawabsheh family house in Douma that caused the death of infant Ali, his father and mother, and severe injuries to his brother. None of the perpetrators have been brought to justice. Since the beginning of the month, settler attacks have escalated in number and violence, and many Palestinian villages have been forced to set up watch committees to try to stop mobs of settlers from attacking them at night .
More than ever, we need your solidarity and support with Palestinian popular resistance. We need you to raise your voices to spread knowledge of the current situation, and take action to reinforce the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Help us put an end to Israeli impunity for its crimes against the Palestinian people.
Der Beitrag Palästinensische Postgewerkschaft zur aktuellen Offensive der israelischen Siedler gegen Palästina erschien zuerst auf LabourNet Germany.